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Special Offer (Makeup Set)

Hello Girls, We want to announce this oppurtinity for you =). You should definetly try ! Save 55% with this promo code : 55149YS3 ❤️πŸ’›πŸ’πŸ’– We care all of makeup lovers ! Stay positive and beautiful !
Recent posts

Psychology of Makeup

Hello everyone, I really want to share this interesting research about makeup. I hope You'll like it 😊. According to a study conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Stirling, Scotland, men see make-up women cooler,  women, on the other hand, are more likely to see their male counterparts as a dominant character, as well as lightweight. Clinical Psychologist Mehmet Başkak gave the following information about the details of this interesting research:  Two experiments were conducted within the scope of the research. In the first experiment, a standardized amount of makeup was applied to the female faces using a computer program. A group of male and female participants were then asked to rate these faces in terms of attractiveness, coolness and dominance. In general, both male and female participants of the experiments agreed that makeup faces were more aesthetically appealing, but their ratings for being cool and dominant character differed between men

Makeup Decrease Your Sadness

Hey there =), It's hard being a woman. Every time we say that, men look at us strange.Anyway, you give me the right. 😊 Every person s life does not go well. As women in our sad moments, we aim to reduce our sadness by doing some activities. We go across the mirror and try to show our skills and we want it to make us happy. πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ Makeup means to deal with foundation, lipstick , nail polish , eyeliner. I like to make-up painting. Especially when I wear lipstick I feel like I am a woman and I look in the mirror and laugh. It makes me happy and all the negativity is flying away. πŸ₯°πŸ₯° There is no such thing as every woman. Most women like to do makeup , but it is a different situation to do makeup in sad time. I suggest you if you are sad or feel unhappy, make up your hand and make wonders. πŸ€“πŸ€— STAY POSITIVE AND BEAUTIFUL ! 🦾 πŸ™‹

Why women love makeup ?

Hello everyone, I want to share shortly paragraph about why women love makeup. I hope you enjoy it =) Many women find makeup offering a boost in confidence that helps the good feeling hormones kick in.  At their place of study, work place and parties, a little makeup not just heightens the glam quotient but also leads to a variable degree of confidence in women. This might just be the application of a little mascara or even a lipstick, foundation and bronzer. A lot of youngsters wish to look older . This is possible with makeup that has the ability to transform that babyish face into a matured one! Other the other side, women who have crossed the threshold of 30s wish to reduce their age . A variety of cosmetics can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines to make them look ravishingly young. Women who find it difficult to maintain a healthy skin or aren’t blessed with one can easily hide their imperfections . A good concealer can cover blemishes, freckles and dark

Most Preferred Fragrances

Hello everyone, When we smell a particular fragrance, such as, say, clean laundry or a fresh peach, we instantly and unconsciously connect that smell to a portion of our memory.  Smell can evoke feelings and bring back memories that we forgot we had. Perfume is, quite simply, a mastery of some of the most frequent scents, and the artful combination thereof to produce a unique smell for an individual person. Fragrances can : Increase your level of attractiveness Increase your perceived level of trust Reduce your stress Make feel good You should buy good fragrances for you . Please Stay Positive and Beautiful ! 😊😊😊

Effects Of Makeup

Makeup does more than alter a woman’s attractiveness, it also plays a role in her ability to form new relationships. While straight men look at a woman’s makeup or lack thereof to help determine her attractiveness, straight women use makeup to help judge other women’s personalities. Research has discovered three key findings about how straight women perceive each other’s makeup: Women rate other women who wear makeup as more dominant. This perception that women who wear makeup are more powerful plays a role in why makeup is important to help women have successful careers. Women are more jealous of other women wearing makeup and perceive them as more promiscuous. This is particularly the case when women wear bold, sexy makeup, such as eye shadow and dark/bright lipstick. Women bond faster with other women who wear makeup that is similar to what they themselves wear. We’re naturally drawn to people who are like us. So, it’s no surprise that makeup is one of the characteristics wom

Super Lipstick Set

Hello Everyone,  πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘Έ Lipstick is a key part of any woman’s makeup collection, and even for women who aren’t as heavily into makeup usually own at least two or three lipsticks or maybe just that perfect shade of red. There are many different types of lipsticks out on the market such as matte, glossy, moisturizing, or a sheen type glow.  Depending on where someone is going, what kind of day it is, or what kind of person someone is really decides what kind of lipstick they prefer. As well as many different types, there are hundreds of companies that provide lipstick on their line of cosmetics.  DIOR is very luxury brand , Δ±f you have a chance to get this , You should check it. You should definetly try this ! πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ Happy Lips !